Berkeley Acupuncture and Ayurveda Medicine Clinic ~The Best of Acupuncture, Chinese and Ayurveda Herbs in Berkeley~
Read testimonials from her mentors, patients, and classmates!
Testimonials from Her Honorable Teachers:
"Sheng-wei has apprenticed extensively with me in clinical Ayurvedic studies, and has proven herself to be an especially gifted practitioner who is able to provide patients well-rounded care. I am glad to have her on the clinical faculty of Ayurveda Healing Arts Institute." --Ven. Losang Jinpa, D.Ayur, Ph.D Ayur, M.A.H.
"I am really touched by Sheng-wei's enthusiasm towards TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and her genuine passion and concern towards her patients. She never stops learning. These characteristics make her an Acupuncturist that you can trust." --Ching Ching Chi, PhD, DAOM, L.Ac., Director of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Masters Program at Five Branches University “She is highly trained in Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine and Ayurvedic Medicine, with a deep, innate understanding of the body a very sensitive, kind and powerful practitioner with her professional knowledge and compassionate care for others’ suffering. Sheng-wei offers the best Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine & acupuncture treatment for all her patients, she helps her patients with a better holistic understanding of their health conditions, and treat their illness by stimulating an innate healing process that is safe, effective and western drug-free.” --Mohan Singh, D.O., MRO Professor at British School of Osteopathy
Testimonials from Her Patients:
“Thank you very very much for treating and caring for my son Andy. He has not got fever after you treated him and I think he is healthy now.
--Sunny Niu (Yanhong Niu)Huawei Technologies CO., LTD.
“Dr. Lan is the most talented acupuncturist I have met during my 30 years of practice as a chiropractor in the East Bay. Her unique style is very powerful because she combines her knowledge & experience of Ayurvedic diagnosis and herbs with her education & training in Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture. She is also an D.A.O.M. with 12 years experience. She has helped my musculoskeletal problems, knee and shoulder overuse injuries resulting from my work. And my resistance to the flu this year was complete! She is modest and unassuming -- the best kind of doctor. Dr. Li, an Oakland acupuncturist specializing in gynecological problems, mentored her, and recommends her. --Dr. Robert A., Albany, CA, chiropractor
“My first acupuncture experience has left me so needle-phobia that you can't even pay me to get poked again! Back then, I was living a student budget and paid $50 for a Chinatown acupuncture from a 50 y/o Chinese lady who barely speaks English. Needless to say, the whole ordeal was excruciating and spine-chilling to say the least.
My perspective on acupuncture completely changed after Dr. Lan convinced me to give it another try. I went in for a herbal rx but acupuncture treatment is crucial to open up the channels and stimulate the meridians. Boy was I wrong when I thought acupuncture is only used to relieve pain. Dr. Lan's acupuncture skills were put to test on my super-sensitive-to-pain body. She was so good with needles that I had over 20 needles in less than 5 mins but I did not even feel any pain, except some tingling and soreness; later Dr. Lan explained to me that the soreness is attributed by the "Qi" entering the body, which breathes life into every single cells in your body. (How super awesome is that?!)
The best part of my treatment is that Dr. Lan listens to me and she has bedside manners. She took the time to explain to me every procedure she is doing. An initial consultation/treatment of 1.5 hours is $150 but it is worth every penny. It starts off with a head-to-toe assessment, followed by Q&A, acupuncture and detox session. Best of all, she accepts most health insurance, so you may only ended up paying a co-pay of $50 or less. Not only is Dr. Lan a certified acupuncturist and Chinese medicine practitioner, she is also a certified Ayurvedic herbalist. Thanks to her Ayurveda herbs, my allergies and stomach issues that has plagued me for years has finally been resolved.
TIP** Dr. Lan sees patients in Berkeley/Albany area on weekends only. Make sure you text/e-mail in advance for an appointment.
--Joey L., San Francisco, engineer
“Highly recommended for anyone with any chronic conditions. I found Shengwei 8 years ago while I was a student at Berkeley. I had some chronic condition and had had tried many western and alternative medical professionals but Shengwei was the first one that made me believe in TCM. I've been benefitted from TCM enormously since then. I now live in SF so I cannot see her as often but I still seek her help simply because she's among the very best and only TCM doctor that can also give Aryuvedic herbs. Very genuine and warm, caring woman.
--Elizabeth B L., San Francisco, accountant
“I suffered from the severe neck and back pain, sometimes coming with ringing in the ears, that made me not being able to sleep well. One of my friends introduced Dr. Sheng-wei Lan to me. He said that she is good at Acupuncture and Ayurveda medicine. I never did this before so I was a bit doubtful, but the pain subsided significantly after 3 treatments. Now I don't have any doubts any more, and I'll continue the treatments till totally cured. Thank you Dr. Lan! --Steven W., Berkeley, CA
“Dr. Lan has been primarily treating me for kidney disease since Kaiser, and western medicine in general, cannot do anything for me at the stage I'm at. Dr. Lan told me even before my first appt. that she had treated many people with kidney disease and that I could expect good results. She has NOT let me down - my blood test numbers have improved greatly due to acupuncture and her Ayurvedic herbs. She has also treated me successfully for a couple of other issues. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND HER.” --Jeanne B., secretary of the law firm
Highly recommended for anyone with any chronic conditions. I found Shengwei 8 years ago while I was a student at Berkeley. I had some chronic condition and had had tried many western and alternative medical professionals but Shengwei was the first one that made me believe in TCM. I've been benefitted from TCM enormously since then. I now live in SF so I cannot see her as often but I still seek her help simply because she's among the very best and only TCM doctor that can also give Aryuvedic herbs. Very genuine and warm, caring woman --Elizabeth B.L., San Francisco, CA
Dr. Sheng-Wei is very impressive and compassionate. I have seen acupuncturist since 1980. I have only left my acupuncturist when they have retired or moved. I research each acupuncturist before going to them. I request a conversation over the phone before setting up an appointment. My first conversation was over the phone and email. I explained my concerns, Hot Flashes, Headaches, Menopause forgetfulness , hair loss, sleep issues, weight gain and 55 year old plus ache. Our very first appointment the first hour was spent asking me questions about the above concerns. She took notes and was very thorough in her questions and answers. She discussed her treatment plan. the amount of time each appointment would take. How many sessions i would possibly need. The herb that she will used and approximate cost of said herbs. I had the opportunity to ask all my questions. The treatment was very professional and thorough. She explained each needle positions and why it was being placed there. I was given a variety of treatments cupping and needles. She was not sparsely with the needles which is a very unique experience. She continues throughout the sessions to explain the why, what and how of her treatment. After the needles are place she makes sure the needles are not touching and she leaves you for approximately one half hour to relax. I have never experienced Dr. Sheng-Wei speaking unkind or discussing any of her patients. During our conversation she told me where she was trained and how she continues her education. There was not discussion of her personal life. Dr. Sheng-Wei prices are comfortable to the acupuncturist I reviewed. Her herbs are as well.. I have had a wonderful several months of treatment. I would highly recommend Drl Sheng-Wei to any one seeking a thorough, professional and knowledgable acupuncturist. --Jacqueline B., Oakland, CA
Dr. Lan is the most talented acupuncturist I have met during my 30 years of practice as a chiropractor in the East Bay. Her unique style is very powerful because she combines her knowledge & experience of Ayurvedic diagnosis and herbs with her education & training in Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture. She is also an D.A.O.M. with 12 years experience. She has helped my musculoskeletal problems, knee and shoulder overuse injuries resulting from my work. And my resistance to the flu this year was complete! She is modest and unassuming -- the best kind of doctor. Dr. Li, an Oakland acupuncturist specializing in gynecological problems, mentored her, and recommends her. --Dr. Robert A., Albany, CA
“I suffered from chronic nerve and muscle pains, indigestion, and constant fatigue for a few years. I didn't know where to get help for these things and for a long time tried to cope with my physical ailments by myself, thinking that people my age did not and should not need professional help for these things. I sought out alternative healing methods and stumbled upon Dr. Lan's website while browsing the internet. After reading the testimonies on the website, I decided to give it a go and invest in my physical, emotional, and spiritual health through her services, and I have not regretted it. While there, she has treated my knee pains, lower back pains, my kidney, spleen, liver issues, as well as my depression and anxiety. The experiences brought about steady positive changes to my physical health and introduced subtle, important changes to my life style and mental awareness. I am so grateful to have met Dr. Lan, and I can testify, as a person who had never received acupuncture treatment before, that she definitely knows her stuff! She is an amazing, kind and compassionate healer. Thank you Dr. Lan.” --A. Y., student at UC Berkeley "At age 5, I received a Western diagnosis of asthma and allergies. I relied on steroids and inhalers multiple times each day for more than 30 years in order to breathe. With the help of Dr. Lan, I am now free of asthma and allergies and no longer take any pharmaceuticals! This was a goal of mine for years, yet every Western doctor I discussed this with told me it was an unrealistic expectation.
--Andy Liszt, ACTCM student, San Francisco.
“I regard Sheng-wei to be a young and energetic practitioner in the healing profession. Her confidence in herself - her compassion and maturity - is matched by her broad understanding of health, nutrition and the dynamics of the human energy. Sheng-wei has demonstrated her unique style of kindness in her treatment of her patients and in her personal interactions with those around her, which is always a delight and joyous experience for anyone who may come in contact with her. Her success-orientated mind also puts her in a position of eager diligence and competitiveness. Both integrity and responsibility are her trademarks, and a positive nature of her personality completes the picture of a promising career for Sheng-wei Lan.” Simon Tang, author, poet, teacher
“ Dr. Sheng-wei Lan is a hidden jewel in the Bay Area. She specializes in Ayurveda medicine, acupuncture, and Chinese herbs, and she has healed more than 10,000 patients. Her humble, alternative medicine practice in north Berkeley understates her incredible accomplishments as a practitioner. Come read testimonials on her website at www.DoctorLan.com. Berkeley Acupuncture Practitioners group review
“I found Sheng-wei at a difficult time in my life, shortly after I had been diagnosed with breast cancer. For over a year I received her wonderfully competent care, involving acupuncture and herbal formulas for tea. She nursed me back to health and now three years after my lumpectomy, I am healthy and happy. My oncologist thinks it is a rare occurrence that someone can recover from this terrible disease, without chemotherapy and radiation. I am convinced that a large part of my return to health had to do with Sheng-wei’s superior healing skills. Knowledgeable in her field, and precise in her application, she is a model for responsible and caring health practice.” Roswitha Mueller, Professor Emeritus
“Over the years, I have become increasingly disenfranchised with conventional doctors and the expensive, untrustworthy procedures and drugs they continue to push. It's been a long time since I've heard a positive story about a hospital visit. Thinking there has to be a better way, I decided to take a trip to Elephant Pharmacy. I was lucky enough to come on a day when Sheng-wei was giving free consultations. Inside of five minutes I knew she was exactly what I was looking for! I came in with chronic back pain. After a month of acupuncture (4 treatments) and a simple herbal regimen, no more pain! The natural, individualized approach of her three chosen disciplines fill the void that conventional health care has left. And her time-honored fields could not have chosen a better channel; Sheng-wei is tirelessly dedicated, innately astute, and genuinely gracious. She's a real find!” --Rob Jones, professional Poker player, musician
“I have consulted Sheng-Wei on a variety of conditions, including building immunity, getting better sleep, soothing muscle pains and improving feminine wellness. I've found her to be a uniquely gifted practitioner trained in both Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurvedic Medicine and blessed with a thorough, intuitive understanding of the human body & mind. Her patient and kind-hearted nature make her a good listener and a compassionate herbal doctor. I would recommend her whole-heartedly!” --Patti Law, attorney
"I had severe acne and sinus issues. After seeing a few herbal specialists with no results to show for, I finally gave acupuncture a try. Since I had never had an acupuncture treatment before I was worried that it might be painful. To my surprise, it was not painful at all. Sometimes you hardly even feel the needle, and at the most, it is like an ant bite. After 2 treatments and a month of taking Ayurvedic medicine, my skin improved tremendously. My rate of skin break-outs went from very often to seldom times. I was very happy and extremely pleased with such speedy results. My sinus improved as well. My only regret is not having done it earlier.” --Laura Tan, Human Resources Personnel
"I had sought both medical and para-medical attention for over 10 years to help with food intolerances and chronic diarrhea; prescription medications, special diets and foods, homeopathic preparations, detoxification programs and even hypnosis resulted in either temporary relief or aggravated my skin condition. After a few acupuncture treatments with Sheng-wei, supplemented with a variety of selected Chinese and Ayurvedic herbs, my skin cleared up as did my GI distress. After a few months of therapy I am happy to report I can eat a wide range of food, eat in restaurants, go to a friend's house for dinner without the anxiety of an unpredictable episode of diarrhea." --Anonymous
"Sheng-Wei Lan, in the short time that I have known her, has been a tremendously positive and motivational influence on me. I went to see her in the spring mainly to help me with my depression. She got me on a regimen of moderate eating, exercise, meditation, and yoga, which I actually did thanks to encouraging weekly visits to Sheng-Wei. The depression is now ten times better. I am very grateful to the powers that be for leading me to her. And any one who thinks that they need a really good, compassionate healer in their life should go see Sheng-Wei as soon as possible.” --Daniel Howe, college student
“Sheng-wei helped me lose 15 pounds and learn to eat delicious food wisely. With her dual specialization in Acupuncture and Ayurveda she helped me overcome diabetes and lower cholesterol. I have a new lease on life!” --Nancy Sumitani
"I used to have painful Sinus headaches. When I had the Acupuncture treatment by Sheng-Wei, I could feel the pain going away within a few seconds of the treatment. I also have a digestive problem. With the herbs provided, I see a marked difference when I take the herbs with my meal compared to when I take my meals without the herbs. I would definitely recommend Sheng-Wei to anyone who is willing to give Ayurveda and Acupuncture a try." --Anonymous, engineer in Silicon Valley
“Dr. Lan is very patient to ask all the details about how I feel the pain, when it starts, what symptoms, what kind treatment I got in the past etc. She explains to me about the diagnosis so I have clear idea about the problems I have. After the acupuncture treatment, I feel a big difference. My shoulders and neck that have been very stiff probably for years, now becomes softer. I am able to sleep well. My fingers and feet feel warmer now. They used to be ice-cold most of the time. In general, kind of feel the body get back to normal gradually. I would recommend Dr. Lan to my friends since she knows how to help/treat a patient. And base on the treatment she gave to me, she is very knowledgeable, excellent and the treatment does help a lot.” --Sara Tung, application engineer
"I highly recommend Dr. Lan--she has been trained both in chinese traditional medicine and Ayurveda (Indian), and you will benefit from her comprehensive knowledges in oriental medicine. Right now, I am getting Ayurveda herb medicine and accupuncture treatments from her, and I'm very satisfied with the progress. I had been frustrated with the western medicine doctors--they may do a better job in surgial treatments, but often fail to recognize and cure the root of the problems, in many non-life-threatening conditions such as mine. I'm glad that I found Shengwei--she's very sensitive to patients' needs, and I've had other great chinese doctors before, but never seen a doctor who treats patients so wholeheartedly." --Boram Lee, San Francisco
“When I was diagnosed with cancer, I had chemo and radiational treatments. But I decided to focus only on acupuncture and herbal therapy. Through Sheng-wei’s treatments, my health is sustained, and I also experience spiritually calming effects, especially after the harsh chemotherapy. I strongly recommend you come to see Sheng-wei.” --Bowman Unrein, gardener and Buddhist practitioner
“I was seen by Dr. Lan when she was giving charity treatments for co-worshippers at the Berkeley Buddhist monastery. I noticed a dramatic improvement for my night urination. Thank you, Dr. Lan.” --Nancy Lee, housewife
“Dr. Lan is kind, gentle, and centered. I feel a healing presence in her. At the same time, she is very educated and a wonderful practitioner of her medicine. She listens and truly cares. She loves her patients, really cares for the patient, which is a quality often lacking in doctors of western medicine. I would recommend her to anyone who wants to reach beyond western medicine into other areas. She is working hard to provide quality health care, and really needs to be better known in the Bay Area for the excellent service she is providing.” Rev. Mary Elyn Bahlert, Pastor and Coach
“Dr. Lan helped me on several occasions. For example with allergy. I used some Western medicine (Allegra) which is a very artificial chemical. She prescribed to me an Ayurveda herbal formula that helped with allergy completely. And it even didn't come back the next year at all. On another occasion I got few nodules on my neck, and they were all gone after taking her herb just few times. On yet another occasion she helped me to get rid of the food poisoning consequences.
--Y. S., engineer
"Sheng-wei is a true master of healing a person. I approached her a month ago with severe vata and pitta imbalances (mental anxiety, stress, anger). She has taken me into her care - and I feel convinced that I am "on the right path" with Sheng-wei. She is systematically treating my imbalances through acupuncture and her expert understanding of Ayurvedic medicine, and I am experiencing subtle changes in my body and mind that confirm my faith that she actually sees the whole picture - she understands my situation, and knows how to help me. Never before have I met such a doctor. I whole-heartedly recommend Sheng-wei to anyone in need of help." --Ty Hitch, law school student
"I went to see Dr. Lan when I had been trying to get pregnant for 3 years of married life. I had tried all means to get pregnant after experienced western methods. A friend of mine had tried acupuncture for infertility with success with Dr. Lan so I thought I would give it a try. It took me two months for acupuncture and Chinese herbs tae. At the end of the second month I was pregnant! I continued to drink herbal tea during my first trimester to prevent miscarraige and to help prevent nausea and vomiting. I am now 36 weeks pregnant and am again going for Dr. Lan to help prepare my uterus and cervix for labor as I have heard that it helps you to have a shorter labor. I would definitely recommend Chinese medicine to anyone having difficulty conceiving. Dr. Lan specializes in infertility and gives excellent health care. Thank you, Dr. Lan." -- Irene Marie, private school teacher, SF
I have seen Dr. Lan for 2 month, I have a friend who is an very excellent acupuncturist but she lives far away from my house, so she recommend me to see someone local. for health issue, I do not like just go to any doctors so I did my research and chatted on the phone before I went to see her. the experience is beyond my expectations. she is friendly, always take her time to answer my questions, she make sure all my concerns are addressed. she make herself available by text message, email and phone call. her reply is always fast. also I noticed that she is not only treating what i came for, she try to understand my body as a whole, she will give me extra needles if needed and never charge me extra. She explained the treatment schedule, what I should expect during the treatment, and how long it will take to get me recovered. She is professional and caring, I would highly recommend to anyone who is seeking for Chinese medicine and acupuncture treatment. --A.L., Berkeley, CA
"Dr. Lan is blessed with a most enchanting name.
--Ivy Chou, writer, painter, teacher, Berkeley.
Testimonials from Fellow DAOM-program classmates and colleagues:
"Sheng-wei and I met eleven years ago as doctorate fellows at Five Branches University of San Jose, California. Since then, we have had many opportunities to trade acupuncture treatments with each other. --Dr. Scott Whitfield, L.Ac., DAOM, Five Branches University instructor
"Sheng-wei is a fellow doctoral student. She has brought joyous Tai Ji Fan dance, healthy vegan dietary, and beautifully assisted our teachers with Chinese-English translation. I am delighted to deepen my studies with her as an ally." --Marilyn Mariposa Bernstein, DAOM, L.Ac, NCCAOM, Associate Professor at Five Branches University
"I have been an Acupuncture physician for 10 years. It is rare to come across a gifted Acupuncture physician with the interest of the patient as paramount: Sheng-wei is that gifted physician." --Walter Campbell, DAOM, AP
"It is very exciting to have Sheng-wei as a peer in the Doctoral of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine program. Sheng-wei is formerly a dedicated student of mine and is now a dedicated healer. Her intelligence and great compassion make her an asset to our profession." --John Nieters, DAOM, L.Ac, DNBAD, host of weekly radio show "The balancing point.
"I first met Sheng-wei during our studies at the Five Branches University doctoral program. She brings inspiration, joy and knowledge of the Chinese language into our program. (She helps the professor translate during class.) I am very happy to have her expertise and energy in our classes. During the next several years, I look forward to getting to know her better." --Sara Kendall Gordon, DAOM, L.Ac.
"I am really touched by Sheng-wei's enthusiasm towards TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and her genuine passion and concern towards her patients. She never stops learning. These characteristics make her an Acupuncturist that you can trust." --Ching Ching Chi, DAOM, L.Ac. Testimonial from the Webmaster: Why I Created this Website for Dr. Sheng-wei Lan:
“ During my search for the best alternative-medicine treatment plan, I was overwhelmed not only by the sheer number of websites, but by their wordy and confusing content. Therefore, it is my hope that this website would present itself as a straightforward, easy-to-comprehend, and most importantly, a reliable source from a third person’s perspective.
I first met Dr. Sheng-wei Lan when I was a college student. I was tired of the highly commercialized healthcare system in the United States, and wanted a more natural and individualized approach to healing.
Despite the numerous alternative-medicine practitioners and their mind-boggling (sometimes misleading) credentials which I did not understand at the time, I was instantly intrigued by Dr. Lan’s expertise in Chinese medicine, acupuncture, and Ayurvedic medicine. It was the perfect and extremely rare combination of the oldest Asian healing arts.
Dr. Lan impressed me with both her vast medical knowledge and sincere care for her patients. As the founder of the Berkeley Acupuncture and Ayurveda Medicine Clinic, a Berkeley-based clinic that advocates spirituality and healing, she truly sees her practice more as a calling than a profession.
This is precisely the reason for my creating this website; it is a tribute to her selfless dedication to her patients through her clinical practice, not to mention her incredible skills as a doctor. ”
--Najinja Chang |